
I started cleaning when I was a wee lass (okay, a young girl). I always appreciated my mom’s need to be “spick and span” clean and think this must have influenced my own need-to-be-clean aura. Now, as an adult, I have a passion for cleanliness and my goal is to “spread the clean” to you. Whether that’s your home or workplace, or both!

You may think, this job is too big or too small, well I got that. And I got you covered. Leave the mess for me so you can continue doing everything else that you have to do.

I will come to you with responsible urgency. You, my customer, MUST be satisfied.

Maid4U operates on three core values:
1. Speed
2. Quality
3. Satisfaction

So that’s a little bit about me. Now what about you? Need a dirty job done? I’m here.